Marae Experience

In week 6 Accelerate Academy went to the Tangatarua Marae also known as Ihenga.When we arrived we were welcomed on to the marae with a Karanga from a Tangata Whenua.When we were invited in the Kaumatua was talking to us about our ancestors and the great adventures and discoveries they made.The Kaumatua also was talking about the elders who also made the Marae the way it is today.After we had finished on the marae we had a quick snack and got into our fitness groups.We were of to Te Puia. Knowing we were all sad about not being able to stay at the marae.Once we arrived, we were split up into our classes and were given a guide.Room 3's guides name was Weronika.She was awesome.She showed us around the extraordinary grounds.The experience was awesome.First we went to see the amazing steamful Geysers.Weronika said that the Geysers, only rise half an inch every 25 years.Next we were off to the bubbly mud pools, they were so cool to see.Weronika also said that one of the staff members at Te Puia, get a bucket full of mud and sell them to hospitals to help people with arthritis.We got to see a lot of amazing things around Te Puia like the cute kiwis, some people's carving's and some of the whares that the Maoris use to live in. well that was a great and wonderful experience for our Accelerate Academy.